The owners of the former barracks, St John's Wood Square Ltd, received planning permission for the site's residential redevelopment in 2015. In 2022, Westminster City Council approved minor amendments to the scheme.
The planning permission allows for provision of 120 private dwellings and 59 affordable dwellings on site, as well as the restoration and re-purposing of the Grade II listed Riding School as leisure amenity.

As part of the consent, the following commitments were made:
- The development will form its own CPZ (parking zone) and residents will not be entitled to apply for permits outside of this zone
- The private swimming pool (contained within the Riding School) will be made available for use by local residents and schools at times to be agreed
In June 2023 two further planning applications were made, which are registered on the Westminster City Council website here: Listed Building Consent - 23/04417/LBC and here: Non Material Amendment 23/04396/NMA
The primary effects of these proposals would be:
- To move the swimming pool from the ground floor to the lower ground floor of the Riding School
- To remove 20 parking spaces and replace with one disabled space
- To remove gas heating and hot water systems and replace with Air Sourced Heat Pumps
- To remove roof cradles and associated maintenance changes
- Improvements to fire safety
- Cosmetic changes related to a previous change in two blocks from villas to lateral apartments
For an explanation of these changes please see the Planning Amendments page.